Youth ERA works to empower young people and create breakthroughs with the dedicated systems that serve them.
The success of young adults affects all of us. Each of us, whether we realize it or not, benefits when a young person graduates from high school, finds a job that helps them pay their rent, or gains access to effective services and supports.
Youth Era creates solutions for communities across the country that look beyond short-term assistance for the few and toward sustainable support for the many. When Youth Era opens up a new drop-in center, saving communities hundreds of thousands of dollars, it’s not just the young people or even their families who benefit. With Youth Era services, young people have a much better chance of becoming happy, successful, and contributing adult members of their communities, and everyone reaps the rewards.
With your support, we are empowering young people to create personal, community, and national change.
Youth Era creates lasting positive change in the lives of young people and the systems that serve them. By uniting a diverse collective of young adults and organizations around innovative solutions, Youth Era impacts thousands each year.
Youth Era works to provide accessible support services to all young people. We focus on direct service, training, and advocacy—the building blocks for creating lasting change for young people in communities across the country.
Our Work
Youth Era envisions a future where every young person has the opportunity to lead a happy, successful life, and whole communities flourish as a result. Every day, with the help of caring people like you, we are getting closer to seeing our dream become a reality.
The work we do is fueled by the unmatched dedication of our staff, the young people we serve, and the system partners we collaborate with who give their time and voices to empower young lives and improve our communities. Every day, our team creates positive change in a multitude of ways. Change happens when we support young people as they work to complete high school, find jobs, when we advocate for systems change, and so much more.
Get Involved
Are you a youth or young adult interested in advocacy? Are you passionate about things like suicide prevention, youth voice, mental health, and creating change in the community? Become a member of the Youth & Young Adult Engagement Advisory (YYEA)!