open to youth and young adults (ages 14-21) MONDAY TO FRIDAY 3-6PM
The Coos Drop is staffed by Youth Peer Support Specialists who are committed to helping young adults empower themselves and successfully transition into adulthood. Our programs and services help youth/young adults become leaders in their own lives and communities. We provide opportunities to build leadership and advocacy skills through team-based learning and activities. Above all, The Coos Drop is a safe space for young people to feel heard, supported, and capable of creating change.
At the Coos Drop, young adults can:
Receive peer support
Grab a snack
Hang out with old friends and make new ones
Play pool, virtual reality, PS4, and board games
Watch movies and TV
Use the computer lab
Study and get help on homework
Build a resume and cover letter
Practice for job interviews
Engage in outreach and activism
Attend Drop events
Participate in leadership groups
Get connected to community-based services